JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)

RHQ 4.10

Needed - pseudo platforms

An AS 7 domain can consist of many host, where some may not even have an agent running.

In order to be able to take all managed as servers into inventory, it must be possible to
deploy pseudo platforms (PP) - i.e. platforms that are without an agent and to be able to have an existing agent to deploy resources on that pseudo platform.

One implication is that this agent also needs to be used to manage (as far as this is necessary) those resources on the pseudo platform.


Here Platform 1 is contacted by the plugin and sees that on pseudo platform there are managed AS instances, as well as on Platform 1. All requests for the AS instances on pseudo platform need to be handled from the agent on platform 1.

Without the pseudo platform, AS7, AS8, AS9 would show up on Platform1 in the tree, which does not reflect reality.

The addition of the pseudo platform also means that the agent either needs to know which resources exist, so that it can put the others on the PP.

Or better: the server allows to manually create a PP. While creating, the name of the PP is provided (which must match the AS7-domain-hostname), as well as the name of an agent that is taking care of this PP. After the PP has been created, the agent gets this information and can (through another facet) convey this information to the plugin(s), which can then use this information.

Resources found can then set the PP as its parent (may need an additional field on the DiscoveredResourceDetail or could be done through a magic config property, which is later filtered out).

See also "Agentless Management"

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 13:45:36 UTC, last content change 2011-05-31 15:18:51 UTC.